Artist/Art Spotlight: Famous Classic Artworks in Motion – “Beauty” by Rino Stefano Tagliafierro

An inspiration that returns to us the sense of one fallen, and the existential brevity that the author interprets as tragic dignity, with an unenchanted eye able to capture the profoundest sense of the image. Beauty in this interpretation is the silent companion of Life, inexorably leading from the smile of the baby, through erotic ecstasies to the grimaces of pain that close a cycle destined to repeat ad infinitum. They are, from the inception of a romantic sunrise in which black birds fly to the final sunset beyond gothic ruins that complete the piece, a work of fleeting time.
– Art set and video “Beauty” by Rino Stefano Tagliafierro Continue reading Artist/Art Spotlight: Famous Classic Artworks in Motion – “Beauty” by Rino Stefano Tagliafierro