Weird Websites, Hidden Hacks, and Google/YouTube & other Fun Tricks

Weird and interesting websites, google and other tips & tricks to play with, hidden treasures and interactive stuff. There is endless web weirdness out there and we plan on finding all of it. Continue reading Weird Websites, Hidden Hacks, and Google/YouTube & other Fun Tricks

*Updated* “360” VR, Interactive, Music, Star Wars, and other Videos.

Witness the future of videos, gifs, and maybe even movies. “Cinemagraphs” and 180 – 360 – degree Interactive VR Music and POV Action Videos that let you control the camera during the video.. like a camera mounted on the helmet of someone jumping off of a mountain in a flightsuit for example.. Continue reading *Updated* “360” VR, Interactive, Music, Star Wars, and other Videos.

T.o.T. #Rituals #Games prt.2 and Contacting Spirits

These rituals are usually older than you, so whether you believe or not just play with caution. If demons, evil entities, or ghosts are real do you want to be the one to find out the hard way? Any time you open doors or lines of communication with other worlds, the unknown, or other planes of existence it can be dangerous especially if not done right or completed so be sure to finish it if you do start. Continue reading T.o.T. #Rituals #Games prt.2 and Contacting Spirits

Artist/Art Spotlight: Famous Classic Artworks in Motion – “Beauty” by Rino Stefano Tagliafierro

An inspiration that returns to us the sense of one fallen, and the existential brevity that the author interprets as tragic dignity, with an unenchanted eye able to capture the profoundest sense of the image. Beauty in this interpretation is the silent companion of Life, inexorably leading from the smile of the baby, through erotic ecstasies to the grimaces of pain that close a cycle destined to repeat ad infinitum. They are, from the inception of a romantic sunrise in which black birds fly to the final sunset beyond gothic ruins that complete the piece, a work of fleeting time.
– Art set and video “Beauty” by Rino Stefano Tagliafierro Continue reading Artist/Art Spotlight: Famous Classic Artworks in Motion – “Beauty” by Rino Stefano Tagliafierro

Claymation Abominations – Artists Spotlight: Lee Hardcastle, Lizzie Campbell, Trent shy..

Claymation Domination, don’t call it a comeback Continue reading Claymation Abominations – Artists Spotlight: Lee Hardcastle, Lizzie Campbell, Trent shy..

Legend Starring Tom Hardy as both of the Kray Twins, The Real Kray Twins, Black Mass Starring Johnny Depp, The Real Whitey Bulger & what you never knew

Information on the real Krays and Videos including all of the Reggie, Charlie, and Ronnie tapes. Plus pictures of the actors and real gangsters. Also takes a look at the infamous Whitey Bulger who has a bizarre story, like volunteering for government LSD experiments in prison in exchange for a shorter sentence, but they turned out to be MKUltra experiments.. Got your attention yet? Check it out, it’s really interesting especially if you plan on seeing the movies.. Continue reading Legend Starring Tom Hardy as both of the Kray Twins, The Real Kray Twins, Black Mass Starring Johnny Depp, The Real Whitey Bulger & what you never knew

Leonardo DiCaprio teaming up with Scorsese to bring the story of Infamous Serial Killer, H.H. Holmes to life

Leonardo DiCaprio and Martin Scorsese are teaming up for the 6th time in a film based on the Infamous American Serial Killer H.H. Holmes and his incredible “Murder Castle.” Everything you need to know before it’s released. Plus a couple other trailers Continue reading Leonardo DiCaprio teaming up with Scorsese to bring the story of Infamous Serial Killer, H.H. Holmes to life


“To conquer, you must disarm. The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to permit the conquered Eastern peoples to have arms.
History teaches that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by doing so.
So, too, those who intend to depopulate large segments of the earth have written of the necessity of limiting the world’s population.
They fully intend to “exterminate” a significant portion of the world’s population and the fact that the vast majority of Americans have never heard of their intent, of The Georgia Guidestones in Elberton, or of “The Plan” or “The Hierarchy” attests to the degree of control that exists over what the American people have been allowed to know about the occultic forces which are working within our society today.” Continue reading MKUltra